
Thumbnail Slider With Lightbox



This is a beautiful responsive thumbnail slider for WordPress blogs and sites with responsive lightbox. Admin can manage any number of images into the slider. Admin can add, edit and delete slider images.admin can set image description to lightbox. Before add slider, to WordPress blog, admin can preview a slider. Admin can set height, the width of slider images. Admin can also set speed, Number Of visible images into the slider, Circular slider. Admin can also set if want to slide images with left and right arrow or by the automatic slider. Admin can also set a link for lightbox image caption title. Image title and link are optional. If not set it will just display an image with lightbox.

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Find Thumbnail Slider With Lightbox Pro(Unlimited Slider + Mass Images Add + Much more) at wordPress Responsive Slider With Lightbox

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  1. Add any number of images to slider.

  2. slider and lightbox both are responsive

  3. Edit images and image name.

  4. Image name is used as alt tag for seo.

  5. Preview your slider before use it.

  6. Slider installation into theme is simple just add shortcode
    to theme or pages/posts.

  7. changes to images height,width

  8. Changes to slider speed is easy.

  9. Admin can set slider as slide with arrow left and right arrow.

  10. Admin can set slider as circular slider.

  11. Slider image used in lightbox

  12. Slider image have caption can have link

  13. WordPress capebilities feature

=Pro Features(Add On)=

  1. Unlimited Slider(Multiple sliders).

  2. Mass Images Add into Slider using WordPress Media Manager

  3. Support order by image order or random images.

  4. Add WordPress featured image in slider directly from post/page add/edit.

  5. 16 Slider Easing Effects(select your desired slider easing effect).

  6. show/hide lightbox caption for particular image lightbox.

  7. No advertisements.

  8. If image description set it will added to lightbox image caption.

  9. Mass order update of images.

  10. Set Open image link in new tab or same tab.The link will be added into lightbox image title.

  11. Responsive Admin layout

  12. Support Order By Random image in slider

  13. WordPress capebilities feature

Get Support


This plugin is free for everyone! Since its released under the GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog. But you can make some donations if you realy find it useful.



This plugin is easy to install like other plug-ins of WordPress as you need to just follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. upload wp-responsive-slider-with-lightbox folder to wp-Content/plugins folder.

  2. Activate the plugin from Dashboard / Plugins window.

  3. Now Plugin is Activated, Go to the Usage section to see how to use wordpress thumbnail slider.


1.Use of wordpress thumbnail slider is easy after activating plugin go to Thumbnail Slider With Lightbox menu.

2.You can manage images by Manage images menu.

3.You can set settings for this plugin using slider settings menu.

4.You can add this slider to your wordpress page/post by adding this shortcode to [print_slider_plus_lightbox]

OR you can add this to your theme by adding this code echo do_shortcode([print_slider_plus_lightbox]); to your theme


1.How to use ?

For More info use readme installation and usage notes.

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