
Insert Code



Insert Code allows you to insert code before or after the contents of your post or page. It also allows you to insert code after Nth paragraph (

) of your post or page contents. This saves you the hard work of manually entering code in your post files, and is very useful for showing ads or other content in pages or posts, including AdSense or other ad code.

Insert Code provides an option to show custom code on all pages and posts, or on selected categories only.

Insert Code automatically adds a “Categories” section to Pages of your WordPress dashboard, to allow you to select the category(ies) on which you want to insert the code that you have saved in the Insert Code plugin.

If you want to hide the code from all posts or pages then you can easily uncheck the post type in the Insert Code setting pages.

If you would like to use different codes for desktop and mobile sites, please get our Pro Version



Its simple to install and use. After installing go to the settings and configure the plugin as required.


  1. Upload /insert-code/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the Setting of Insert Code
  4. Check the required post type where you want to show custom inserted code or data


YES, You can place the data/code on pages or posts

YES, Just place your code or data, and in setting page uncheck the exclude css checkbox and place the css that you want to apply to the code section

YES, Insert Code allows you to select the categories for the pages type also, so you can select the category for that page and allow to insert code from the INSERT Code Plugin by category

YES, You can add any type of ads code to your required pages/posts on your required position in the content

YES, If you would like to use different codes for desktop and mobile sites, please get our Pro Version

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