
Easy WordPress Subscribe – Optin Hound



Optin Hound is here to help you grow your mailing list without you knowing any code at all. Optin Hound is a powerful tool for creating popup optin forms that you can customise to your needs and offer your visitors a simple, beautiful way of subscribing to your newsletter.

Optin Hound is the simplest and easy to use plugin to create email popup and widget optin forms which enable you to subscribe users and grow your mailing list

Popups are a very effective way to grab your users attention. Offering them a way to subscribe to your newsletter directly from the popup will ensure the growth of your mailing list.

To help you take your email marketing efforts to the next level, Optin Hound also provides a simple and effective tool for creating widget email optin forms, similar to the popup, which you can place in any widget area of your website to start subscribing users to your newsletter.

Email marketing should be an important part of your business. Having direct contact with your followers is one of the biggest assets you have. Add your first popup and grow your subscribers.

Main Features

  • Create unlimited email optin popup forms Easily customize as many optin popup forms as you need to match your email marketing strategy and start subscribing users to your newsletter.
  • Create unlimited email optin widget forms Easily customize as many optin widget forms as you need and place them in any widget area of your website to subscribe users and easily increase your mailing list.
  • Easy to understand display rules Select where the popup optin forms should appear. Wether it is on the front page, on all posts/pages or on single posts/pages, you can customise this in any way you desire.
  • Effective trigger rules Select the precise moment when to show the popup to your users. Show popups on page load, show popups after a certain time the user has entered the page or show popups after the user has scrolled down to a certain point of the page.
  • Subscribe your users from your custom register pages Using the available integrations you can easily subscribe users to your newsletters from the custom registration pages provided by other plugins. Supported plugins include Profile Builder and Paid Member Subscriptions.
  • ** Save your email subscribers on your own database** Once a new user subscribes from your email optin forms they will be saved in your own database and you will be able to view your mailing list in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Export your mailing list to a CSV file Export saved email subscribers to a CSV file so that you can import them in the email marketing service of your choice.

Basic and Pro Features

  • Subscribe to MailChimp Subscribe users from the email optin forms directly to your connected MailChimp lists.
  • Subscribe to AWeber Subscribe users from the email optin forms directly to your connected AWeber lists.
  • Subscribe to SendinBlue Subscribe users from the email optin forms directly to your connected SendinBlue lists.
  • WooCommerce Integration Subscribe your users from the WooCommerce checkout page. Display the pop-up and fly-in email optins on any product pages.
  • Create unlimited email optin fly-in forms Easily customize as many optin fly-ins as you need to start subscribing users to your newsletters.
  • Create unlimited email optin shortcode forms Easily customize as many opt-in shortcodes as you need and place them anywhere in your website.
  • Add email optins after your posts content Add simple and effective email optins after your posts and pages content.
  • Optin Statistics Track impressions, conversions and conversion rates for each one of your optin forms.
  • Start and End Dates Set a start and an end date for your email optins to schedule limited time promotions.
  • Link Trigger Trigger the popup and flyin optin forms when a user clicks a certain link in your website.
  • Smarter Display Options Display the popup and flyin optin forms on specific URLs and for only logged-in or only logged-out users.

Help us Translate

We want to reach as many people as possible. Help us translate the plugin in your language and get a 20% discount code for your premium purchases. Contact us here:




  1. Upload the opt-in-hound folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Activate each location where you wish the buttons to appear


  1. Upload the opt-in-hound folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Activate each location where you wish the buttons to appear

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