
Smart Post Lists Light



You can create a fully functional website using this widget. Check out the showcase.
Drag & drop the widget in as many sidebars or custom widget areas as you like and build as many independent lists as you like. It is very easy to build any type of list youd like.
It works similar to SQL query but no coding knowledge is required!
Check out demo site

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Video demonstration.

How it works

Go to your widgets section. Drag and Drop the widget in a sidebar(widget area) that you want your list to appear in. Fill in the form and click save. Here are the options you can choose from:

  • Select multiple categories and tags to list posts from.
  • Choose the number of posts to list and where to start listing from.
  • Order the list by: author, date created, date modified, post title.
  • Order to display posts: ascending, descending.
  • Select fields you want to show: title, date, excerpt, number of comments.
  • Select excerpt length in words
  • Choose to show image on: all posts, first only or none
  • Choose size of the image: thumb, medium, large
  • Choose image float: top of text, left of text, right of text

By filling a simple form this plugin will build an SQL SELECT query, return a result set and build html code based on it. The form controls select expression, where condition, order by expression, limit expression.
No coding is required!


You can create a fully functional website using this widget. Get some ideas at the demo site.

  • Sidebar examples
  • Footer examples
  • Blog examples
  • Portfolio example
  • Products example
  • Widgetized page

Customize front-end

By default the widget looks like all other widgets from the same sidebar (widget area) you drop it in. It has its own CSS file that overrides the default styles for your list elements. You can use that file to further customize the front-end outlook.

Get more of this plugin

Most themes for WordPress will come with default sidebars and a few footer areas where you can drop widgets in. If you want to have custom widget areas for instance in content areas of your pages and post, or any other area of your site:

  • Create your custom widget areas by using a plugin. Its fast and easy.
  • Create your custom widget areas by little coding advanced users.
  • Use an advanced theme with more widget areas defined.



Please refer to online documentation page for more details and screenshots.


Please refer to online documentation page for more details and screenshots.

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