
Dashboard quick links widget



This lightweight plugin allows user to create a Dashboard widget with frequently accessed wp-admin menu for quick access.

I originally develop this plugin after spending hours of time creating client/user documentation for every WordPress projects. Instead of writting step by step navigation documentation, I used this script to organize all necessary links on the single widget for non-technical users. As a developer, I also use this script myself to organize frequently accessed wp admin links for quick access.

If you have any feedback or queries please contact developer at



  1. Install the plugin from within the Dashboard or upload the directory dashboard-quick-link-widget and all of its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your website

  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

  3. Configure the widget options and links on Settings->Dashboard links widget.

  4. Preview and confirm the dashboard widget.

  5. Thats all, Now user can simply click on the button in the dashboard widget to access the page.


You need to put each link in separate line in following format
(fourth parameter, i.e. font awesome icon class is optional)

Link text | Button link | Button text | font-awesome icon class

For eg: Post new blog article | /wp-admin/post-new.php | Create new post | fa-cog

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