
Extra Cost For Woocommerce



Extra Fees For Woocommerce using to add extra cost in to cart for Woocommerce. It is good feature to multiple condition wise apply on your Woocommerce Store.

Plugin Features

  • Fees Type : Fixed Or Percentage
  • Price Apply On Days : Start Date and End Date
  • Conditional Fee Rule Available
  • Extra Fees Base on Sub Total
  • Extra Fees Base on Shipping Cost
  • Extra Fees Base on Product Category
  • Extra Fees Base on Products Min and Max Qty

Woocommerce Extra Fee Option making to Fixed as well percentage to specify condition. If you want to add fees to particular product than can be add that on particular product.

You can be setup start date and end date between condition and apply that. If you want to setup shipping method with extra fees than you can be make it in coditino.

Multiple Fees cost allow per diffrent condition.


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