
Custom Post Type Date Archives



Add Date archives to custom post types right in the dashboard itself. This plugin also provides widgets and editor blocks to display archives, calendars and recent posts. This allows you to use this plugin as a super simple events calendar.


  • Adds a date archives submenu for each custom post type
  • Adds the rewrite rules needed for viewing the date archives
  • Adds widgets and editor blocks for archives, calendars and recent posts
  • Allows you to publish scheduled posts with future dates like normal posts
  • Allows you to use specific theme templates files for cpt date archives
  • Adds WP Rest API endpoints for archives, calendar and recent posts

Plugin Documentation

WordPress doesnt support date archives for custom post types out of the box. This plugin adds the rewrite rules needed to view the date archives at a pretty permalink.

Example permalink (url) for a custom post type events date archive. 

The calendar, archive and recent posts widget are similar to the existing WordPress widgets, but with extra (custom post type) options added.

The cpt date archives use the same theme template files as the normal WordPress date archives. Extra template files and template functions are available for use in the custom post type date archives.

For more information visit the Plugin Documentation



This plugin provides 3 blocks.

  • Custom Post Type Date Archives
  • Custom Post Type Date Archives
  • Custom Post Type Date Archives


Follow these instructions to install the plugin.

  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for custom post type date archives and click Install now.
  2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Add date archives in the Date Archives sub menu of a custom post type.


For more information about this plugin visit the Plugin Documentation

You add the date archives in the Date Archives sub menu of a custom post type.

If you dont see the Date Archives sub menu in the menu of a custom post type, the post type is probably registered to not be public or not have archives. See Custom Post Types

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