
EZ zenback



The zenback service analyzes Japanese posts and displays related keywords, related posts and mentioned tweets in your blog. It also provides social buttons such as Twitter, Faceboox, Google +1, Hatena bookmark, mixi check to your blog.

EZ zenback will help you to install zenback. No need to edit theme files to install zenback code. You can insert not only zenback code but also other HTML, JavaScripts into your posts or pages easily.

zenback is registered trademark of Six Apart, Ltd.


  • Easy to install zenback code or other HTML, JavaScripts.
  • You can insert zenback before comment block, after comment block or as a widget.
  • Also support shortcode to insert zenback.
  • Additional stylesheet for zenback.
  • Localization: English(Default), ???(Japanese, UTF-8).


  • This plugin depends on your using wordpress theme.
  • You need to use this plugin with default comment system. Even if comment form is closed, zenback can be displayed. However, when default comment system is replaced by other comment system, zenback will not be displayed.
  • If you have used DISQUS as your comment system or you want to use DISQUS, Use Disqus Comment System for EZ zenback plugin instead of Disqus Comment System plugin.

System Requirements

  • WordPress 3.0 or higher


  • WordPress 2.8 or higher + Disqus Comment System for EZ zenback




  1. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> EZ zenback to configure.

zenback is registered trademark of Six Apart, Ltd.

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