
WC Search Orders By Product



WC Search Orders By Product does exactly what it says This WooCommerce extension automatically adds product search, product type and product category filter dropdown in WooCommerce Orders screen. You can find orders by typing just a few characters of your product name. As you start typing in the search input, you will see instant results popping up inside the dropdown menu. The auto listing of the matching products with same characters inside the dropdown will help you in typo tolerance or if you misspell the product name.

Search woocommerce orders:

  • By product name
  • By product type
  • By product category

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Minimum Requirements

  • WooCommerce 3.0 or later
  1. Upload wc-Search-orders-by-product to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Admin area -> WPHEKA -> WC Search Orders By Product Settings
  4. Go to Admin area -> WooCommerce -> Orders
  5. Done!


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