
tinyShield – Simple. Focused. Security.



tinyShield is a security plugin for any WordPress site. It will monitor all incoming and outgoing connections to your site and block any malicious traffic that it identifies. It does this by tapping into our network of other WordPress sites that report malicious activity. Think herd immunity. The future of WordPress security is crowd sourced.

A note to developers, only activate/register sites once they are on their final domains. If you alter the domain after you have activated it, tinyShield will not work correctly.

There are two subscription levels tinyShield can use. By default all installs have access to community features.

Community Features

  • Simple Interface
  • Focused On Protection
  • Pretty Deny Page
  • Crowd Sourced Blocklist
  • Automatic Search Engine Crawler Detection
  • Manually Reviewed Lists
  • Automatic Brute Force Protection
  • Automatic User Enumeration Protection
  • Automatic Registration Spam Prevention (Honeypot)
  • User Defined Allowlist
  • User Defined Blocklist
  • IPv4 and IPv6 Support
  • 404 Reporting
  • Free For Life

Professional Features

  • Tor Exit Node Blocking
  • Geographical Information on Visitors
  • Cloudflare Integration
  • Inclusive Country Blocking
  • Exclusive Country Blocking
  • Professional Comprehensive Blocklist
  • More coming soon



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/tinyShield directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->tinyShield screen to register and activate the plugin


tinyShield is made up of two components the WordPress plugin and our servers. The plugin will not function correctly without registering with tinyShield. Registration can be done directly from the Settings tab of tinyShield. There is no cost for the community version of our real time blocklist. You have the option to upgrade to our professional list and gain access to a more comprehensive blocklist.

tinyShield watches and reports back some information from your site in order to improve our community and premium feeds. For each site that uses tinyShield, even using the community feed, they will contribute back to help the other users of tinyShield.

There will never be a charge for the community version of this service. Premium access, billed annually, will based on how many sites you want to protect. Subscribing will not only help support the project but also, automatically give you access to our more comprehensive feed that is crowd sourced plus a host of other features.

In our testing, we have noticed no performance issues while using the plugin. If for some reason our servers are unreachable, the plugin will fail open. This means that if our servers are down for any reason, your site will continue to work and utilize the local cached lists.

While tinyShield collects information from your site, we only collect the offending IP address, failed user login attempts, and the site the attempt was made on (as you can see from examination of the code). These items are only logged to determine patterns. No information we collect will EVER be sold or given to third parties.

This section will always be up-to-date with all information that is reported back to tinyShield. Also, we encourage you to review our source code for accurate information.

Currently, caching plugins do not allow tinyShield to function correctly. Because the request hits the cache before tinyShield sees it, tinyShield does not register the request.

While tinyShield does not cause any known conflicts with other WordPress security plugins, and can work well alongside them as an extra layer of protection. It takes a very targeted approach to just real time blocklists. There are however, some plugins that are known to cause tinyShield to not operate normally. They are listed below.

  1. wp-spamshield

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