
Viral Social Sharing by Upshare



Viral Social Sharing

Get more shares on your content and increase your sites viral growth by installing the Upshare Viral Social Sharing widget! Unlike your normal, everyday social sharing plugin, Upshares responsive, cloud-based sharing tools have been specifically designed to help boost viral growth without slowing down load time.

>> CLICK HERE to download plugin

With Upshare Social Sharing, as users start sharing your content on their favorite Social Networks, you can track their sharing behavior and get viral growth data, and (coming soon) users can get points they can cash in for cool stuff in the Upshare Store. Users sign up for UP once by expanding the Upshare icon, then each time theyre Sharing your content across Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or LinkedIn, they get points and you get powerful cross-network Social data on how your users are Sharing your content on their social networks.

You can also turn OFF the Upshare icon if you simply want simple, cloud-based, responsive sharing buttons that work on the web and mobile WITHOUT sharing incentives.

However, if you keep the up icon ON, users dont even need to share using your Social Sharing widget for you to get incredibly detailed viral data they can just copy and paste the link or share in any other way, and well be able to track what they share automatically.

Upshares customizable platform and Viral Social Sharing plugin help you optimize your content, blog posts and pages for more social sharing engagement, and a wider viral reach.

Whats more by signing up as an Partner for free after installing Upshare Viral Social Sharing icons, you can control the placement of your Social Buttons on your Upshare Partner Dashboard, you get access to Sharing demographic data and Sharing behavior to help you get to know your most viral users, and turn your visitors into evangelists.

You dont just want people Sharing your content you want them to start CONVERSATIONS around your content that their networks engage in and start Sharing. You also want your site to be PROMOTED to other users who are sharing similar sites on their social networks and social media accounts. This Viral Social Sharing widget is a great first step, but unlike other widgets, Upshare doesnt stop there.

Stop begging users to start Sharing your content and giving them nothing in return. Use Viral Social Sharing by Upshare, track viral growth, run tests, measure improvement, and give people a reason to share!

100% responsive, works on all browsers and devices, cloud-based, lightening-fast, will never slow your site down. Its our job to help you grow your viral reach through incentivized social media sharing!

>> CLICK HERE to download plugin

Custom Social Sharing Placement

  • Responsive and customizable
  • Vertical and horizontal social media icons
  • Mobile and tablet friendly
  • Easily controlled from your UP dashboard
  • One-click install, or easy-to-implement shortcode
  • Never impedes your content

Lightening Fast

  • < 190 ms load time
  • 150 kb in size
  • Perfect Google Pagespeed score
  • Value-add for both site owners AND users (no other sharing widget provides this)

Automatically Optimized

  • Clean, flat, modern design
  • The Upshare team optimizes widget features based on in-house testing
  • We work behind the scenes to make your site more viral
  • We give you the data on most viral sharing widget states
  • Install Social SHaring Plugin on any CMS or shopping cart
  • Compatible with all browsers and devices
  • Safe and secure using industry best practices

Unique Viral Features

  • Market-leading Social Sharing widget performance
  • Points-based incentives to give users a reason to share on social networks
  • The more interactions a users share gets, the more points theyre awarded
  • This ensures they share what their network responds to so you arent seen as spam
  • No other social sharing widget gives users a reason to voluntarily link their networks
  • You get never-before-seen cross-network viral sharing data to see how, why and when users are sharing your pages and posts
  • WE PROMOTE YOUR SITE we show your site to other users who share similar content with their networks.
  • You get data and insights even if users just copy/paste links or re-share on their networks (they link their sharing history to Upshare)

100% Free to use, Upgrade to Switch On Mobile Sharing and Activate Rewards

  • Just install the Upshare plugin free and sign up as a partner in 30 seconds or less
  • Industry-leading partner support (we actually listen to your feedback)
  • Incredibly-detailed documentation and tutorials



Got installation questions? If the steps below dont help let us know.

Automatic installation of UP Viral Social Sharing plugin through WordPress:

  1. Go to the Add New Plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
  2. Search for Viral Social Sharing by Upshare
  3. Click Install Now
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. Browse to your sites homepage
  6. Click on the green UP Arrow in the top right and follow the instructions

Manual installation of the Social Sharing WordPress Plugin via FTP

  1. Upload the upshare folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Follow steps 4-6 above.

To upload the Social Sharing plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file on the Add New plugins screen (see the Upload tab) in your WordPress admin area.
  2. Follow steps 4-6 above.

Skip the plugin and install the JavaScript snippet directly into your HTML:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Grab your JavaScript snippet from the following page
  3. Navigate to the Editor screen in your WordPress admin panel
  4. Pull up the Header file from the list on the right
  5. Paste your JavaScript snippet right before the closing tag in your Header file
  6. Save the file
  7. Tweak your settings from your UP Partner Dashboard
  8. Enjoy!

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