
WIP Custom Login



WIP Custom Login allows you to customize the login section of WordPress and you can replace the admin WordPress logo, set a background image and much more.

Premium features.

Default Skins
You can set a default plugin skin and replace the saved options.

Background slideshow
You can create a beautiful body background slideshow and make your admin page unique.

Unlimited colors
You can change the colors of each section, like the login button.

Backup section
You can create a backup of plugin settings ( included the slideshow) or restore the default settings.

Sample data
You can import the preview settings, from the backup section.

You can get the premium version from the link below:

Coming soon on premium version

New option panel
New layouts
Redirect the users on login
Social media below the login form
Option to manage the vertical alignment of login form
1 click plugin upgrades


Once you have installed the plugin, you just need to activate the plugin in order to enable it.


WIP Custom Login will add a new admin page, where you can customize the login page.


Available Languages

  • English (Default)
  • Italiano



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wip-custom-login directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. Go to WIP Custom Login page to configure the plugin.

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