
mTouch Quiz



Create a multiple choice quiz (or exam). This plugin was written with learning and mobility in mind. The quiz interface is touch friendly. You can: specify hints based on answer selection; give a detailed explanation of the solution; choose multiple correct answers; specify when the correct answers are displayed; specify if a question may be attempted only once or many times; specify point values for each question; include customized start and finish screens; randomly order questions and/or answers; and more. This plugin was built by pillaging the Quizzin plugin written by Binny V A, but please do not blame him for my ruining his plugin!



Best way to install is via the Add New Plugins feature inside your WordPress dashboard. Or

  1. Download the zipped file.
  2. Extract and upload the contents of the folder to /wp-contents/plugins/ folder
  3. Go to the Plugin management page of WordPress admin section and enable the mTouch Quiz plugin
  4. Go to the mTouch Quiz Management page (in a new group) to create or edit the quiz.
  5. Add the shortcode (and any options) [mtouchquiz #] to a post to display your quiz!


Best way to install is via the Add New Plugins feature inside your WordPress dashboard. Or

  1. Download the zipped file.
  2. Extract and upload the contents of the folder to /wp-contents/plugins/ folder
  3. Go to the Plugin management page of WordPress admin section and enable the mTouch Quiz plugin
  4. Go to the mTouch Quiz Management page (in a new group) to create or edit the quiz.
  5. Add the shortcode (and any options) [mtouchquiz #] to a post to display your quiz!

You can find the most up to date version at the homepage of mTouch Quiz Plugin

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