
Adjusted Bounce Rate



Google Analytics does not properly track some important engagement metrics like Avg Session Duration, Avg Session Duration, and Bounce Rate. This plugin uses a commonly-accepted JavaScript method of improving the accuracy of these stats.

This plugin addresses the issues as identified by the Google Analytics team at:

Others have also blogged about their own solutions at:

See for more information about the plugin and the author, or visit the GitHub repo at to fork my code or submit an issue.


  1. Set the engagement tracking event interval. (Defaults to 10 secs.)
  2. Set the max engagement time, which allows you to customize when the session should be
    considered abandoned. (Defaults to 20 mins.)
  3. Set the minimum engagement time, which can be used to set an initial amount of time
    required to count the user has having engaged. (Defaults to 10 secs.)
  4. Customize the event Category, Action and Label names to be displayed in Google Analytics.
  5. Create goals in Google Analytics based on the time on page. (GA goals only support session duration by default!)
  6. Uses either the old pageTracker code, the newer asynchronous code, or the newest Universal Analytics code.
  7. Choose header or footer placement for the code.
  8. Compatible with Ajaxify jQuery plugin.



  1. Download the zip file from WordPress plugin site:
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Upload your plugin directory to your servers /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin using WordPress admin interface:
    • Regular sites: Plugins
    • Sites using multisite networks: My Sites | Network Admin | Plugins
  5. Configure the plugin options in Settings > Adjusted Bounce Rate.


  1. Click Uninstall on the plugins page for Adjusted Bounce Rate. All plugin options will be deleted upon uninstall, but not when simply deactivating the plugin.
  2. Thats it!


Maybe, but I have not tested this plugin on multi-site. If you run into any issues, please fork my GitHub repo (see below) and send a pull request with your fixes. Id be very appreciative!

Create an issue on the GitHub repo at

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