
External Related Posts



** This plugin now works! ** It broke shortly after I originally uploaded it last year. People are still downloading it, so I decided to make it work. I revamped it and made it totally compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

External Related Posts takes the category, tags or custom taxonomy from your post (or custom post type) and searches Google Blog Search for related posts. External Related Posts then adds a link to that blog to your post and pings them, letting them know you made a relevant post on their subject.

Controls exist for how many blogs to search for, whether to only post links to blogs that accept pingbacks, how many pingbacks to perform, and a randomizer for how often External Related Posts activates (e.g., every post, 50% of your posts, 25% of your posts).


Image by Toban Black; some rights reserved. See link for details.


External Related Posts is released under GPL v2.



Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page. Alternately, use automatic installation from WordPresss admin screens.


External Related Posts uses either your posts tags, categories, or title to search for related blogs. Try changing your tags, categories or title this will also change the results you get.

Not every post will return results. There are a few potential reasons for this:

  • Chance of running
    External Related Posts contains a setting that determines how frequently it runs. If Chance of running is not 100%, then not every post will activate External Related Posts.
  • Use tags, categories, or a custom taxonomy
    External Related Posts uses either your posts tags, categories, or custom taxonomy to search for related blogs. If youre not getting many results, try changing which one you use.
  • Search criteria
    Try using different tags/categories/taxonomy term. For example, if External Related Posts is searching by tags, try changing which tags youre using. Do your own manual Google Blog Search with your terms and see what results come up.
  • Verify blog is accepting pingbacks
    Not every blog accepts pingbacks. You may not get pingbacks, but you will get links.
  • Wait a few days and try again
    Google Blog Search is always indexing new posts. If youre not getting any results, go back and re-publish your post at a later date and hope that someone has a post that matches your criteria.
  • Number of results
    In External Related Posts settings, increase the number of results to get from blog search. Note that this will increase the time it takes to publish your post.

External Related Posts needs to fetch and process Google search results in order to do its job.

The script is either running out of memory or executing for too long.

This can be remedied in two ways:

  • Increase PHPs max_execution_time and/or memory_limit in your php.ini, or
  • Reduce the Number of links to make

Set Chance of Running to 0% until you want to use it again.

Delete the previously added links (including the title added by External Related Posts) from the post.

  • Blog owners may delete your pingbacks.
  • Blog owners may mark your pingbacks as spam.
  • If youve been spammy with pingbacks in the past, your new pingbacks might be marked as spam by anti-ping-spam plugins.

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