
Auto AnimateImage



Auto AnimateImage is WordPress plugin that applies AnimateImage script to your site automatically. AnimateImage displays multiple images continuously like animated GIF. All you have to do is write img element like below, and the image will be animated automatically.


As you know, animated GIF is the most common animation format, but it supports up to only 256 colors. There are some alternative animation formats such as APNG, MNG, JNG, Motion JPEG and SVG Animation. However they are currently not widely supported by Web browsers. That is why AnimateImage is the most appropriate method for animated images.

Auto AnimateImage Features

  • Automatically applies AnimateImage script to your site
  • All you have to do is write img elements. No JavaScript, No Shortcode, No Gallery.
  • Common options and animation styles can be customized via Settings screen
  • Compatible widely down to even obsolete WordPress 2.7

AnimateImage Features

  • Displays multiple images continuously like animated GIF. It supports sequential/arbitrary filenames.
  • Supports any image formats supported by Web browsers, such as GIF, PNG, JPEG, JPEG XR (HD Photo), BMP, TIFF, WebP and SVG. Thereby transparent animation with more than 256 colors is available.
  • Many animation options are available, such as animation delay, repeat count, rewind, pause and blank image
  • img elements with data-files attribute are animated automatically. No need for writing JavaScript.
  • Animations are controllable by writing JavaScript. You can start/stop/replay them at any time.
  • Standalone script with 5.6 KB file size, without using JavaScript libraries such as jQuery
  • Supports Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and their older versions

How to Install

See Installation.

How to Use

All you have to do is write img elements with data-files attribute, and the images will be animated automatically. You can animate multiple images with sequential number, zero-padded sequential number, sequential alphabet and arbitrary filenames.


AnimateImage supports many animation options such as animation delay, repeat count, rewind, pause and blank image. You can specify them with data-* attributes like below.


See Code Examples for more information.

Support Me

Any comments will be very helpful and appreciated. Thank you for your support!


Code Examples

Example 1: Sequential Filenames


Example 2: Arbitrary Filenames


Example 3: Format String in Directory Name


* data-files attribute is specified with filename or relative path to directory, including format string.

Example 4: title/alt Attributes

 bar bar 

* alt attribute with the value of title attribute will be added if not specified.

Example 5: id/class Attributes


* class attribute will be added if not specified. default class attribute value is "animation".

Example 6: delay/cycleDelay Options


* In default, delay option is 500 ms and cycleDelay option is 0 ms.

Example 7: repeat/rewind Options


* In default, repeat option is -1 (infinite iteration) and rewind option is false.

Example 8: pauseAtFirst/Last Options


* In default, pauseAtFirst option is false and pauseAtLast option is false.

Example 9: showBlank/blankClassName/blankPath/stretchBlank Options (Blank Image)


* In default, showBlank option is false and blankClassName option is "blank".

Example 10: Arbitrary Attributes


Example 11: Arbitrary CSS Properties


You can localize the plugin with Poedit. Here is how to translate the plugin into your language.

  1. Download Poedit and install it
  2. Run Poedit and select your language
  3. Input your name and mail address (optional)
  4. Open auto-animateimage/languages/animateimage.pot file
  5. Select original string and input its translation
  6. Save the file as animateimage-[LANG].po
[LANG] is a language code. For instance, de_DE is for German, sv_SE is for Swedish, pt_BR is for Portuguese spoken in Brazil. If you want to know your language code, see WordPress in Your Language. If you need more information, see Translating WordPress.

I would be grateful if you would send me any translation files. Here are the available translations included in the latest plugin.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



Auto Install

  1. Access Dashboard screen in WordPress
  2. Select [Plugins] [Add New]
  3. Input AnimateImage into text field, and click [Search Plugins]
  4. Click Install Now at Auto AnimateImage
  5. Click Activate Plugin
  6. Write img elements with data-files attribute

Manual Install

  1. Download
  2. Access Dashboard screen in WordPress
  3. Select [Plugins] [Add New] Upload tab
  4. Upload the plugin zip file, and click [Install Now]
  5. Click Activate Plugin
  6. Write img elements with data-files attribute

Manual Install via FTP

  1. Download, and unzip it
  2. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  4. Write img elements with data-files attribute


Here is all available options at Auto AnimateImage Settings screen. You can customize common options and animation styles through the following options.

  • General
    • AnimateImage Script (Header or Footer)
  • Common Options
    • Animation Delay
    • Delay between Animation Cycles
    • Repeat Count
    • Rewind at the End of Animation
    • Pause at First Image
    • Pause at Last Image
    • Show Blank Image between Animation Cycles
    • Stretch Blank Image to the Size of Last Image
    • Output img Elements when Using JavaScript Code
    • Class Name (Animated Images)
    • Class Name (Blank Image)
    • File Path (Blank Image)
  • Styles (Animated Images / Blank Image)
    • Background Color
    • Margin
    • Padding
    • Border (Width / Style / Color)
    • Border Radius
    • Opacity
    • Box Shadow
    • Width / Height
    • Max Width / Max Height
    • Min Width / Min Height


First, make sure whether data-files attribute value is valid string format. Then check if any messages are output in error console.

  • Internet Explorer: Double-click the warning icon in status bar, or click [Tools] menu [Developer Tools], or press [F12] key
  • Mozilla Firefox: Click [Firefox/Tools] menu [Web Developer] [Error Console], or press [Ctrl+Shift+J] key
  • Google Chrome: Click [Tools] menu [JavaScript console], or press [Ctrl+Shift+J] key
  • Opera: Click [Opera] menu [Page] [Developer Tools] [Error Console], or press [Ctrl+Shift+O] key
  • Safari (Mac): Click [Develop] menu [Show Error Console], or press [Option-Command-C] key
    • Safari (Windows): Click Page Menu Button [Developer] [Show Error Console], or press [Ctrl+Alt+C] key
    • Note: To enable the developer tools, click Advanced in Safari preferences and check Show Develop menu in menu bar

If the problem still persists, please send me your site URL via support forum or contact form.

  1. Access Dashboard screen in WordPress
  2. Click [Settings] [Auto AnimateImage] in sidebar

You can localize the plugin with Poedit and languages/animateimage.pot file. See Localization for details.

You can access AnimateImage features from AnimateImage namespace object.

AnimateImage.options.delay = 1000;  AnimateImage.animate('images/[0-9].png');  var animator = new AnimateImage.Animator('images/[0-9].png'); animator.animate(); // animator.stopAnimate(); 

See AnimateImage official site for more information.

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