
Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce



Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce plugin lets you limit number of items your WooCommerce customers can buy (lifetime or in selected date range).

✅ Main Features

  • Set maximum products number per user.
  • Select plugin mode: product quantities, product orders, product prices (including or excluding taxes), product weights, or product volumes.
  • Set date range (for example: lifetime, this month, this year, last 30 days, last 365 days, or custom date range).
  • Set on which order statuses product data should be updated.
  • Set different maximum product limits for different user roles.
  • Enable variable products variations usage.
  • Customize customer message on frontend.
  • Block checkout page on exceeded limits.
  • Exclude products from plugin scope.
  • Edit and export each users sales data.
  • Choose which payment gateways should update product data.
  • Display remaining amount, maximum limits, etc. to the users in cart, checkout, single product page, My account, or with shortcode anywhere on your site.
  • Identify guests by IP address or block guests from buying products in your shop.
  • Hide products with exceeded limits for the current user.
  • Enable multi-language support (WPML, Polylang).
  • And more

 Premium Version

Some Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce Pro plugin features:

  • Display the limit message on variations.
  • Set maximum products per user:
    • Per product category.
    • Per product tag.
    • Per individual product.
    • By formula, for example: per user ID, per membership plan, per payment method, etc.
  • More options oriented to guest users:
    • Block specific products from guests.
    • Change add to cart button text from blocked products.


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
  • Visit plugin site.


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Start by visiting plugin settings at WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User.


Yes, its possible, but its a bit of a workaround. Youll need to assign all your products to some category or tag. After that you need to enable Limits > Per product category (or Limits > Per product tag), and then set Limit per user option for that category (or tag) in Products > Categories > Your category > Edit.

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