Populer Plugins

WooCommerce Extra Product Options



  • Supports check-boxes, radio buttons, select boxes, text-areas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker, color picker and product elements.More field types will be available soon!
  • Global enabled options.
  • Enable or disable the plugin and global options for specific roles
  • Enable extra options in shop and category view
  • Hide add-to-cart button until an option is chosen
  • Control the placement of the options and totals box
  • Enable or disable a floating totals box to show the selected options
  • Alter many plugin strings directly from the control panel
  • Validation features
  • Form Fields Builder
  • Show your options from outside WooCommerce product screen using action hooks
  • Choice between fixed or percentage price increase
  • Limit check-box selection
  • Exact selection feature for check-boxes
  • Import/export functions to forms.
  • Lazy load images for radios and check-boxes.
  • Change product image for radios and check-boxes.
  • Price per character feature for text-fields and text-areas.
  • Extra styling for radios and check-boxes.
  • Performance increase for big number of options.
  • Image replacement for check-boxes and radio button on Global Options
  • Choose the grid display for check-boxes and radio button for Global Options
  • Hide or show prices
  • Display sections options as a pop up
  • Conditional logic for fields and sections within the form builder.
  • Sections can be displayed normally, as a pop up or a slider.
  • Upload manager
  • Detailed documentation.
  • and more …

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